Australia’s Specialists in Tajima Genetics Designed for Wagyu F1 Crossbreeding
In Demand by Feedlotters in Australia and Japan
In animal breeding, the most accurate predictor of future performance is past performance.
Proven Females: Traditional coefficient line-breeding for better performance on both sides of the pedigree.
Proven Sires: Significant independent carcase data confirms the superiority of the Goshu Wagyu bulls in Wagyu F1 Crossbreeding.
Proven performance: Over 20 years of herd development and proven outcome with a high reputation.
There are many ingredients that go towards carcase outperformance. The correct bloodlines, utilised in the correct manner, carefully over an extensive period to produce consistent high quality carcases.
Not guesswork. Proof.
We supply Proven High Impacting Tajima Genetics: Bulls, Domestic and Export Accredited Semen